Heard about Butterfly effect? That hypothesis which roughly says that the flutter of the wings of a butterfly may cause a hurricane in the other side of the world. Its a funny but very interesting theory, interesting atleast for me. So you might have just missed that lorry while coming in the bike just because you decided to wear the blue underwear today. Or maybe it was because you wore the blue one that that near miss happened, if you were wearing that black one, maybe the lorry even might not be there.
I always used to wonder the extent with which one can change one's and also other's fate. There used to be a small part of my life where I even used to believe in destiny. But then if the destiny is already written, then what the fuck are we as people who can supposedly think and decide doing here? If what we are going to do is already decided its easy to flow and drift and go where life takes us right? It is a stupid theory.
PS: At times I blog just because I have no one to talk to. :) So please bear with me.