Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I always used to tell anyone who bothered to listen about my so called belief in instinct. I even told that in one of my earlier HR interviews for a job. But at some point of time when you contemplate on the same, I have this not so faint feeling that its just my snobby attitude that makes me believe that I believe in my instincts. It might be because I recollect only those instances when my gut feelings were correct and not so much in situations where it all screwed up. And lately I think I have screwed up so much that I am not able to forget those situations :). Nonetheless its a positive thing I should admit. You know its always good to know the faulty parts of your machine, like knowing that the bike has got a not so responsive brake will always be a positive knowledge to the rider.
The Root Cause, The Moral of the story is : "It's always about me." Well it always has been. :)

1 comment:

  1. "With age grows wisdom, and also a realization into your limitations. Probably that is why older men make more calculated risks than the youth. More with growing old that instincts...
    older is the mantra. :P
