"Two thousand seven hundred and forty nine!"
"Cool! So that is a good catch."
"But then most of these silly morons don't wear gold anymore. Remember the last war, even though there were less ears, most of them were gold, pure gold! This time it's mostly scrap metal. Nickel and Steel and all scrap metal."
"We are doing good man, we are doing good. The UN and NATO and all around, and still we are doing really good."
"Yeah, but you never know, when they actually decide to get these bodies back home than dump them here."
"They won't! There is always too many dead overtime."
"And these women soldiers! No wonder they are soldiers! Not even a single piece of bloody jewelry on them. Men are better."
"Yeah, I hope this war continues."
"You know where better money is - the coffins! I have heard they make it with elmwood. That should be something."
"But it is a logistic nightmare. For now we should stick to ears and ear-rings. But that can be thought about, of course."
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