Friday, December 31, 2010

David had a little lamb.

David decided; it's time.
"Dear all, I've been waiting for the apt time, apt moment. The world has been waiting, rather. I am the one. I am part of the one. And as been with everything that's divine the part is as important as the whole. Keep me happy, the whole of us whole of ME stays happy."
And so started it. David wasn't omniscient; David wasn't charismatic. But David became omnipotent. And David was gay, he had his boys. They came to him, he had them, he had them all. None saw through him, but one. He loved him, that boy did.
“...and with my word, there was light. But know that the word the light the world is through me, me. Keep the part and thus the whole happier. With me it came; without me it will be gone."
The boy was jealous; he went up with a shovel. David though not omniscient sensed it in the boy. He pleaded, threatened and then resigned. Boy hit him till he was reduced to pulp.
And announced to the crowd: "David is dead, but the light still remains!"

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